Monday, February 7, 2011

asphalt repair at large industrial facility with Black Max

 traffic ready in 45 minuies

stadium wall -vertical structural repair

secondary containment curb SEALING

secondary containment curb REPAIR

outdoor joint sealing AFTER

outdoor joint sealing BEFORE

outdoor step repair & traction enhancement AFTER (after sunset)

outdoor step repair & traction enhancement DURING

outdoor step repair & traction enhancement BEFORE

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Black Max drip pan areas

repair done Oct. 2006
this picture was taken almost 4 years later, AMAZING DURABILITY!!!

same parking lot
all 6 spaces show very little deteriation after 4 years

Rapid Restore stadium steps

before prep

after prep removes soft concrete

repaired and painted

after prep

repaired and painted

black max cracked slab repair


black max concrete water moniter stations

This was a project for a fortune 500 company who had these man hole covers for ground water monitering all around their plant for miles, we solved the constant cracking of the concrete aprons and blended right in to the asphalt surrounding. Pleae note that they actually replaced the old round cover with a new square one while we were repairing this one.